Healing Modalities

Healing ModalitiesHealing Modalities

A healing modality is simply a method or procedure that is used to facilitate healing in the energy body. There are a variety of healing modalities that a healer can draw upon to address the energetic connections between the mind, body, spirit, and soul and to promote balance among them. Here is a brief description of the energy modalities I use to promote transformational healing in the energy body.

Metatronian HealingMetatronia Therapy® is a metaphysical healing system—an ancient sacred resonance of the highest order. It is an evolutionary healing vibration and transformational system brought to us by Archangel Metatron, using his healing vibration, energy codings, and sacred geometry. Metatronia Therapy® facilitates your own healing process by opening up your energy field and connecting you with outer dimensional vibrations and energy codings that assist the human vessel to heal on multiple levels.




Carniosacral SystemCranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, light-touch therapy that involves evaluating and enhancing the Craniosacral System, the environment in which the brain and spinal cord function. CST uses the rhythm of the Craniosacral System to detect and balance restrictions that can cause pain and dysfunction throughout the body.





Therapeutic TouchTherapeutic Touch is a nursing intervention used to facilitate relaxation, reduce anxiety and stress symptoms, and assist with pain management and wound healing. It is based on the premise that pain, anxiety, illness, injury, or surgery can disrupt the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. Therapeutic Touch involves moving the hands a few inches above the body, or placing them lightly on the body, in order to assess and balance the client’s flow of energy.




Chakra BalancingChakra Balancing is a healing modality that helps to maintain the health of the seven major chakras in the physical body. Chakras are energy centers that organize, monitor and balance the flow of energy moving throughout the physical body. When these life force centers become imbalanced, they can affect the health and vitality of the physical body. Chakra Balancing works to clear blocked or imbalanced chakras so that energy can flow freely throughout the physical and subtle energy bodies.




Clairvoyant HealingClairvoyant Healing involves the use of extrasensory means in the form of images or pictures to visualize and heal the aura, energy channels, and chakras. It can be used to transmute emotional pain or negative energies that are creating imbalances in the energy field. Clairvoyant healing can also occur during an intuitive reading.





Intuitive AssessmentIntuitive Assessment involves the use of a highly developed sense of intuition, which is accessed through images and pictures (clairvoyance), feelings (clairsentience), and direct knowing (claircognizance). Intuitive assessment can help the client see how they are using their energy and where they are experiencing energetic imbalances in the body. It can also help the client gain insight into situations that are preventing them from moving forward on their evolutionary path.




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Sou2Soul Healer provides soul-directed energy healing and intuitive readings. Naomi is a certified Master Healer of Metatronia Therapy® and is a Reiki II practitioner. She is certified in Energy Assessment through the Energy Healing Institute (EHI) and also completed their Advanced Energy Healing Protocols practitioner program.  She is also certified in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and am a member of the Association of EFT Practitioners.



General Guidelines

All sessions are for adults 18 years of age or older. The information provided in an energy healing session or an intuitive reading is not meant to replace any psychological, legal, medical, or other professional advice or services. Please consult a medical professional or a qualified practitioner if you have any health concerns. Naomi Aoyagi shall not be held liable for any action or non-action you take in reference to the information provided during an energy healing session or an intuitive reading.

Booking Appointments

All appointments are to be paid in advance of the scheduled session. To schedule an appointment, please contact Naomi by phone.

Missed, Canceled or Rescheduled Appointments

Naomi Aoyagi has a 24-hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. To cancel or reschedule an appointment, you must provide notice at least 24 hours before the start of the scheduled appointment. If you miss, cancel or reschedule your appointment with less than 24 hours' notice, you will be charged a $45 session fee. A late arrival more than 15 minutes after the scheduled appointment time will result in the loss of that time toward your appointment. If you decide to reschedule your appointment, you will be charged a $45 session fee.


Refunds are given only in extreme situations or emergencies, so please be sure you’re interested in an energy healing session or an intuitive reading before booking one. Refunds are solely at Naomi Aoyagi’s discretion.


All records, files, and personal information are considered private and confidential.


Soul2Soul Healer is now accepting, a limited number of clients. If interested, please contact Naomi at 916-952-6001.

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